When to Worry About Your Teenage Son's Mental Health?

August 1, 2024
Know when to worry about your teenage son's mental health. Spot signs, understand treatments, and safeguard their future.

Teenage Behavior Red Flags

Recognizing red flags in teenage behavior is crucial in identifying potential mental health issues and seeking early intervention. As a parent, understanding what constitutes normal teenage behavior versus concerning behavior can help in deciding when to worry about your teenage son. Here are some areas to monitor:

Behavioral Changes

One key aspect to consider is changes in your son's behavior. Adolescents who exhibit behaviors such as repeatedly abusing drugs or alcohol, frequently engaging in sexually risky behavior, becoming physically violent, or rebelling strongly against cultural norms may be beyond the statistical norm and could be experiencing mental health issues like bipolar disorder or depression.

Lack of interest in activities they used to enjoy, such as spending time with friends or engaging in hobbies, can be a warning sign of mental health issues in teens, like depression, lack of motivation, or avoidance behaviors [2].

Sleep Patterns

Changes in sleep patterns, including increased or decreased sleep, could indicate anxiety or depression in a child. This could be due to worries about the pandemic or loss of activities, and therapy or medication management may be necessary for treatment.

If your teenager is routinely sleeping all day, isolating themselves from friends, repeatedly failing to get up for school, or struggling with either not being able to sleep at all, or needing more than 11 hours a night, these could be signs of a bigger problem.

Problems with sleep and fatigue can be red flags in teenage behavior, indicating irregular sleep patterns, excessive sleeping, or not getting enough sleep, which can lead to moodiness and changes in behavior in teens.

Social Isolation

Isolation at home, where a child or teen spends more time in their room and avoids reaching out to family or friends, can be a sign that they need extra support for their mental health.

Social isolation can often be mistaken as typical teenage behaviour. However, prolonged periods of isolation could be indicative of underlying issues such as depression or anxiety. If your son is showing signs of symptoms of teenage depression or signs of anxiety in teens, it may be time to seek professional help.

Monitoring these red flags can be challenging, but it's an important step towards ensuring your son's mental health. If you notice these concerns, it may be time to consider residential treatment for teens or seek professional advice.

Emotional Indicators

When considering your teenage son's mental health, the emotional indicators can often provide key insights. These signs can include increased irritability, clinginess, and withdrawal from activities.

Increased Irritability

Teenagers are known to have mood swings; however, if your son's irritability seems to be increasing and is often accompanied by agitation or quick responses, it may be a sign of anxiety. It is crucial to distinguish between normal teenage mood swings and potential mental health disorders. Therapy can be beneficial in such instances as it helps in developing coping strategies to manage distress.


While it's normal for children to want to be around their parents, if your son is overly clingy, it may indicate a lack of confidence or resiliency to be alone, potentially hinting at underlying anxiety. Building self-confidence and resiliency is crucial, and a clinician can assist with this.

Withdrawal from Activities

Another sign to watch out for is if your son starts withdrawing from activities he used to enjoy, such as sports, hobbies, or spending time with friends. This lack of interest could be a symptom of depression, lack of motivation, or avoidance behaviors [2]. It's essential to determine whether the disinterest is related to mood or fatigue. A mental health professional can help assess the underlying causes and symptoms [3].

Recognizing these emotional indicators is the first step toward understanding when to worry about your teenage son's mental health. Remember, it's always better to seek professional help sooner rather than later. In the case that your son is resistant to therapy, there are strategies to encourage acceptance and find the right therapist that suit his preferences and concerns.

Academic and Behavioral Signs

The academic and behavioral patterns of teenagers can often provide insight into their overall mental health. Recognizing and understanding these signs is crucial in determining if there's a cause for concern about your teenage son's mental health.

Decline in Grades

A noticeable decline in grades, particularly in students who've previously been consistent in their academic performance, can be a sign of underlying issues. If a straight-A student starts to receive Cs and Ds, it might indicate problems such as anxiety, depression, or bullying [2].

Concerning signs related to grades in teens can also include genuine anxiety regarding schoolwork, difficulty sleeping due to excessive thinking about school, sudden fluctuations in grades, or a lack of concern about grades. If your son is showing such signs, it's important to delve deeper to understand the root cause and seek professional help if needed. You can read about common teenage health problems for more information.

Extreme Rebellious Behavior

While a certain degree of rebellion is normal during adolescence, extreme rebellious behavior such as breaking laws or facing frequent suspensions from school may indicate a bigger issue. If these behaviors threaten to impact their future, it might be time to seek external help.

Behaviors such as repeated substance abuse, frequent engagement in risky sexual behavior, physical violence, or strong rebellion against cultural norms may be beyond the statistical norm and could be a sign of mental health issues like bipolar disorder or depression. For tips on how to handle such scenarios, refer to our article on how to discipline a teenager that won't listen.

Substance Abuse

Adolescent substance abuse is a serious problem that requires early intervention. While some experimentation with alcohol may be considered normal, it becomes concerning if a teen is binge drinking or frequently turning to drugs and alcohol, whether for weekend partying or to self-treat issues like anxiety and depression [4].

Self-medicating with drugs and alcohol can be a sign of mental health issues in teens and can lead to further issues as they grow older. If you notice these signs in your son, it's time to take action and consider the possibility of residential treatment for teens.

By recognizing these academic and behavioral signs early on, you can ensure your son gets the help he needs to navigate through these challenging years. Always remember, a proactive approach to mental health is the best way to safeguard their future.

Recognizing the Signs

Recognizing signs of emerging mental health issues in teenagers can be a challenging task for parents. It involves differentiating normal from concerning behavior, seeking professional help, and understanding the process of diagnosis and treatment.

Differentiating Normal from Concerning Behavior

Teenagers undergo various changes as they grow, and it's crucial for parents to distinguish between normal teenage behavior and concerning behavior that may indicate emerging mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, behavioral disorders, or conduct disorders [5]. Some common signs of concerning teen behavior include sudden changes in energy levels, sleeping patterns, appetite, extreme risk-taking behaviors, disregard for rules and laws, and significant changes in eating behaviors.

To understand better the spectrum of teenage behaviors, refer to our articles on common teenage health problems, symptoms of teenage depression, and signs of anxiety in teens.

Seeking Professional Help

If parents are concerned about their teenager's behavior, it is advisable to seek help from a professional counselor or therapist specializing in teen behavior. Consult your child's healthcare professional and discuss the behaviors that concern you. It may also be helpful to talk to your child's teachers, close friends, relatives, or other caregivers to get a broader perspective on your child's behavior.

If you're unsure how to navigate these conversations, our article on how to parent teenager may be helpful.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Mental health conditions in teenagers are diagnosed and treated based on symptoms and how the condition affects their daily life. To make a diagnosis, your child's healthcare professional might suggest your child see a specialist, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, clinical social worker, psychiatric nurse practitioner, or other mental healthcare professional.

Treatment for mental health conditions in teenagers often includes a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. However, getting teenagers to admit they need help is not always easy. If they resist, it's crucial for parents to understand that teens have to actually want help for a therapist to assist them.

Finding the right therapist for a teen is crucial. The therapist should be someone the teen can talk to and trust. Parents can meet with the therapist first to discuss how they deal with resistant teens or line up a few possibilities and let the teen interview them. Allowing the teen to choose the therapist can increase their engagement in the treatment.

For more information on this topic, check out our article on residential treatment for teens.

Overcoming Resistance to Treatment

When it comes to teenage mental health, gaining their acceptance and cooperation for treatment can be a challenging hurdle. It's essential to approach this process with understanding, patience, and a focus on their comfort and control.

Encouraging Acceptance

Getting teens to admit they need help is not easy. They may feel there’s nothing wrong or be skeptical about the effectiveness of therapy. It’s crucial for parents to understand that the desire for help is necessary for therapy to be effective. If your teenage son believes that "this is just the way they are," it could be a sign of the problem itself, especially when they're exhibiting symptoms of depression or anxiety.

It might be helpful to frame treatment as akin to visiting other doctors for physical issues or working with a coach to learn new skills for sports or hobbies. Drawing parallels to these scenarios can help normalize the idea of therapy for mental health and emphasize its purpose of aiding improvement.

Finding the Right Therapist

Finding a therapist that your son can trust and communicate with is crucial for the treatment process. Allowing your son to participate in the process of choosing a therapist can increase his engagement with and ownership of his treatment.

Parents can start by meeting with potential therapists to discuss their approach to treating resistant teens. Alternatively, parents can line up a few possible therapists and let the teen interview them. This can ensure that your son feels comfortable with his therapist and fosters a sense of control over his own treatment.

Addressing Concerns and Preferences

If your son has previously tried treatment that hasn't worked or had a negative experience with a therapist, it's essential to understand why. Ask your son what he found unhelpful and what he would like to see differently in future therapy sessions.

By understanding his concerns and preferences, you can guide the search for a therapist who aligns more with his needs. This approach can foster a sense of ownership over his treatment, which is crucial for effective therapy [7].

In conclusion, overcoming resistance to treatment often involves breaking down stigma, promoting acceptance, and providing choice and control. It's essential to remember that every teen is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. By establishing open communication, offering choice, and focusing on their comfort, you can help your son take the crucial first steps towards better mental health. For more information on common mental health problems in teens, visit our page on common teenage health problems.


[1]: https://now.tufts.edu/2013/02/18/how-can-parents-tell-difference-between-normal-teenage-mood-swings-and-possible-mental

[2]: https://www.newportacademy.com/resources/mental-health/red-flags-teenage-behavior/

[3]: https://www.parents.com/kids/health/childrens-mental-health/signs-your-child-should-see-a-therapist-for-stress/

[4]: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/teen-behavior

[5]: https://www.georgetownbehavioral.com/blog/7-differences-between-normal-abnormal-teenage-behavior

[6]: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/childrens-health/in-depth/mental-illness-in-children/art-20046577

[7]: https://childmind.org/article/helping-resistant-teens-into-treatment/

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